Biyernes, Oktubre 26, 2007

Hanna's 19th Birthday

I feel like writing something today just because it's Hanna's birthday. [My backgroud music: xylophone rendition (plus a little bit of piano and a wind instrument) of ff8's Eyes On Me.]

Today, my thoughts are full of her, just like all the other days... but compared to these past few days, today's fuller..or should I say, it has never been like this for a month now. Perhaps because today, I made close contact with her, which I haven't done for God knows how long. I went to their place sporting a U.S.T. shoulder bag (for no particular reason but scarcity of resources), and when I got there, I was distinctly happy to see her mother greeting me and gesturing me to come in. I smiled and I greeted back. It was the first time that I did not feel any kind of discomposure (this is not to say that she is frightening or intimidating...I'm not being defensive either). I guess it just feels that way when it comes to meeting a girlfriend's parents and relatives. Anyway, I sat on the sofa and I was reminded again of my inability to converse with the most very-important-persons in the world. (yes, I sucked) I waited there for the birthday girl to come out of her room, and when she finally came out... it struck me how I really missed her.

I ate spaghetti and roast beef - both are her father's cooking. It was really delicious! (wah sipsip?haha) Although too bad I stocked myself with food antecedently, I therefore denied myself of full appreciation and coupled with a bit of shame, the prospect of a second and a third serving was blasted to oblivion. After nearly reaching my gut's maximum capacity, along came the ube cake her mother offered me. I couldn't say no, and so after pausing for a few seconds every now and then, I finished everything! rawr! ;p

Random thought: oh, I hate it when people couldn't resist repressing their desire to text me and end up sending multiple text messages that contain the same thing - blank. How I cherish their thoughtfulness, really, although I don't know how to repay them. Indeed, it's a proven fact that when your name is among the first listed on phonebooks, the more you will be contacted. Apparently it's a blessing that my name usually hit the top of the list of everybody's phonebook.

Although we haven't talked of anything serious, whatever conversation we had was enough for me. It's not like I was expecting something cosmic to happen, or something like that. Or was I?... not. She sat beside me, reading the book "Marrying Buddha" I gave her as a gift. It was actually not my best pick for her, because the book is all about "a woman going wild," as how one magazine had commented the novel. But that was her request (well, not really a request because I asked her what book she'd like to get her hands on and then she said she wanted.... you know what I mean) and so I subdued any form of conservatism in me as I handed her the gift.

She handed me something to read as she started reading her newest book. We both sat there, reading for quite a while. My mind shifted from the book to the girl sitting right next to me. I enjoyed the book, which was her sister's.. I hope she did too, with mine.

It was not long when I finally said good bye. But before I left, I had a strange desire to talk to her sister about something and yet I don't know what.

Random thought2: How would you react if somebody thanked you for greeting him/her a happy birthday when in truth, u don't have the faintest idea what the crap that person's talking about?.. and you didn't even know it was that person's birthday in the first place? Wanna know what I did? I told her, "your welcome! hehe". Simple. What if he/she retorted by asking, "how did you know it was my birthday?" You just tell that person this -- "uhh, sa friendster! haha!" ...and then you hit the road, or have spastic attacks, or simply log out from your messenger account.

[background song: "Take a Bow" by Madonna]

P.S. I forgot to mention something cosmic did happen! That birthday girl erased my cellphone's message counter! It was never cleared since my very first "message sent" and "message received"!!!!!!!!!... holy shit. That was freakin' 4 yrs ago. Why must this happen? Now that I've thought of it, I could've punched her in the face if she were an ordinary friend.
Just for future reference: up until this date, my 3220 nokia phone has this record: 624++ msgs sent, 619++ msgs received.
(Blogspot: have mercy, don't erase this until I die.)

Addistarted this journey at10:52 PM

My Heart Reminisces

About me

*Name: ----
*Age: --21--
*Beginning: --April 23--
*From: --Neverneverland--
*Job: --dreamer--
*Passion: --fantasy--

Hear me


Why do dreams come and go?
What purposes do they serve?
Like a chain of lightning it stroke
Devastated my life and left it askew

Beyond the horizon I see you
Never have you left my mind
My heart yearns for the truth
Long have I lived to find

Life isn't the same as before
Days passed by like no other
Time had taken its toll a million times
Just to think of you

A feeling of longingness seeped deep inside
None but myself is all I offer
Wishes that came from the stars
To be with you, I begged

Until that cute smile nearly blinded me
Eventually fairies invaded my sleep
Before I know it, the world went pink, pink, pink!
And then my heart with pleasure fills

Beauty is truth; truth, beauty
My soul shall last forever
As long as it find yours
"Dreams are my reality"

I fondly ask, "What then do you call it?"

I guess it's Love at first sight


This is why we lost. =p hahaha!
Stop screwing around! get a hold of yourself! your...
what is there to behold
I didn't know this song would have an impact on me...
"When you fall in love...sooner or later, your are...
...When I turn out all the lights, even the nigh.....
"Out Of Reach"Knew the signsWasn't rightI was stup...
"This Love"I was so high I did not recognizeThe fi...


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/************* clock *************/